A Fond Farewell to a Legendary CEO – Zvi Peleg Retires - Friends of Israel Sci-Tech Schools

Zvi PelegIt is with a mix of gratitude, admiration, and heartfelt emotion that we announce the retirement of the legendary Zvi Peleg, who has served as the CEO of Israel Sci-Tech Schools for the past 22 years. Zvi’s journey with Israel Sci-Tech Schools is nothing short of extraordinary, starting from his days as a student to becoming the visionary leader who has shaped the future of education in Israel.

A Journey of Dedication and Growth

Zvi’s story with Israel Sci-Tech Schools began as a student who quickly demonstrated his leadership skills by heading the student association. He passionately advocated for students’ rights, ensuring that every Israel Sci-Tech Schools student had access to matriculation exams. His professional journey with Israel Sci-Tech Schools commenced in 1967 as an administrative clerk. Over the years, he climbed the ranks, becoming VP of HR in 1988 and finally assuming the role of CEO in 2002. This summer, after 22 years at the helm, Zvi has passed the torch to Raz Frohlich, marking the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter.

A Legacy of Innovation and Excellence

Under Zvi’s leadership, Israel Sci-Tech Schools experienced significant growth and transformation. The network expanded in size and diversity, offering quality technological education and implementing first-class study programs. Zvi’s tenure was marked by groundbreaking innovations and a deep commitment to social activity and community involvement. Today, one in every ten students in Israel is an Israel Sci-Tech Schools graduate, many of whom have gone on to hold key positions in various sectors of Israeli society.

Raz Frohlich, the incoming CEO, expressed his gratitude for Zvi’s mentorship during their transition period: “I thank Zvika for his many years of work and the glorious legacy he leaves behind. I am excited to take the lead of the largest educational network in Israel, and I am confident that together with the board, management, and employees, we will continue to lead the Israel Sci-Tech Schools network to new heights.”

Inspiring Words and Farewell

In his farewell speech, Zvi passionately emphasized the ongoing mission of education and innovation: “Education must continue and reach new heights in the paths of innovative and creative values. The Israel Sci-Tech Schools network will continue to lead in these areas in the years to come. I wish great success to the elected CEO Raz Frohlich and to all of you. Without you, nothing would have happened. I would not have been able to navigate and design with love, wisdom, and sensitivity this wonderful education network. For me, Israel Sci-Tech Schools was and will always be my life’s work. I have full faith that under the leadership of Raz, you will march Israel Sci-Tech Schools to higher peaks, to excellence, innovation, quality, and values.”

Tributes to a Visionary Leader

Miki Bar, head of the Israel Sci-Tech Schools Board of Directors, highlighted Zvi’s monumental contributions: “Zvika has devoted 57 years to Israel Sci-Tech Schools, including over 22 years as CEO—a period full of achievements and extraordinary growth in the number of students in the Israel Sci-Tech Schools network. Under Zvika’s leadership, Israel Sci-Tech Schools set value-driven educational goals that promote Israeli society as a diverse, inclusive community, emphasizing excellence and social tolerance. His significant achievements are evident in the expansion of the network.”

Sharon Greenberg, Deputy Director General & Head of Administration for R&D and Training, praised Zvi’s visionary leadership: “Zvika for me is a visionary of the future. A visionary leader who always looks ahead and identifies innovative opportunities. His ability to see the potential in new technologies and ideas was unparalleled. As you always knew how to see the future and lead to it, so I wish you to continue to see new opportunities wherever you turn. May you continue to be Future-Ready in any new way you choose, and may success and satisfaction accompany you every step of the way. Thank you for the years of inspiring leadership.”

Many Israel Sci-Tech Schools managers, friends from the Israeli leadership ecosystem, and family members have sent Zvika heartfelt messages of appreciation for his work and best wishes for his next chapter. Zvika’s spouse expressed confidence that he will continue to invest his energy and expertise for the benefit of the country and its people.

Looking Ahead

As we bid farewell to Zvi Peleg, we celebrate his remarkable legacy and the profound impact he has had on Israel Sci-Tech Schools and the educational landscape in Israel. His dedication, vision, and unwavering commitment have left an indelible mark, and we are confident that under Raz Frohlich’s leadership, Israel Sci-Tech Schools will continue to soar to new heights.

Thank you, Zvi, for your inspiring leadership and for making Israel Sci-Tech Schools a beacon of educational excellence. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors, and may your journey ahead be filled with new opportunities and successes.

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