Minister of Economy and Industry Orna Barbivai Visits Israel Sci-Tech Singalovsky College to Open the School Year:
“The contribution of technological colleges to adapting to the needs of the economy is enormous and directly contributes to the increase in productivity”
Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network CEO Zvi Peleg: “In two years: We will double the volume of students in the National Academy who can reach the high-tech professions. “We call on the government to repeal the reform that prevents the establishment of extensions for colleges”.
This past Sunday, the Minister of Economy and Industry, Orna Barbibai, marked the opening of the school year for Technological Colleges throughout Israel, by visiting Israel Sci-Tech Singalovsky College. The Minister was joined on her visit by the CEO of the Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network Zvi Peleg, Head of the College Administration Yossi Yashi, Director of Israel Sci-Tech Singalovsky College Ahuva Shaham, and Director of Technological Training in the Ministry of Economy and Industry Tahir Ifergan.
During her visit, the Minister heard reviews from the Network’s CEO and the principal of Israel Sci-Tech Singalovsky College, toured the college, and spoke to students who began their academic studies.
Minister of Economy and Industry Orna Barbivai: “The contribution of technological colleges to adapting to the needs of the economy is enormous and directly contributes to the increase in productivity. The investment and maximizing the potential for human advantage, with an ongoing dialogue with industry and high-tech, enables the adaptation of vocational training to be relevant to diverse populations. The Ministry of Economy and Industry will continue to closely partner with the colleges with the understanding that they will help shape the future of the labor market in Israel.”
Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network CEO Zvi Peleg: “The Israel Sci-Tech Schools Network focuses on excellence, innovation and community contribution. We make efforts to expand in the peripheries and assist vulnerable populations as much as possible in the acquisition of education, training, and placement. The content taught at the college is tailored to the demands of potential employers from the high-tech world, in order to ensure the integration of students into the labor market. Through additional resources and assistance from the state, within two years we can double the number of students in the national and all layers of society, which could potentially reach the high-tech professions.
He added, “We call on the government to repeal the reform that prevents the establishment of college boards, to allow Israel Sci-Tech Schools to use its facilities across the country to continue to help make higher education and training accessible to disadvantaged populations.”
To learn more about the Israel Sci-Tech School Network College initiatives, please visit

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