With deep sorrow and sadness, I with all Israel Sci-Tech family, are mourning the death of our very dear friend and long-time supporter – Barry Berelowitz Z”l.
On behalf of the Israel Sci-Tech Board and Management, tens of thousands of students, thousands of teachers and principals, more than half a million graduates, I would like to convey our condolences to Marlene and the Berelowitz family for your great loss.
Barry will always be remembered by the Israel Sci-Tech community, as one of its great benefactors, a unique Mensch with Chessed חסד , and caring for Israeli students and schools.
Israel Sci-Tech Network is especially indebted to Barry z”l for his major donations over the past 20 years to upgrade and renovate many of Israel Sci-Tech high schools- specifically in Israel’s social-geographical periphery.
Furthermore, Marlene and Barry initiated several years ago a special fund to support the nourishment of students from very low socio-economic families in many high-risk educational centers across Israel.
Over the years I met Barry and Marlene many times when they came to visit our schools in Israel. I was always touched by Barry’s genuine interest in finding new ways to promote Israel Sci-Tech students. I will cherish forever Barry’s kindness and deep involvement in the life of Israel’s children.
The very successful graduates of all the many Israel Sci-Tech schools that Barry and Marlene supported will always serve as honorable commemoration for his great generosity.
We wish our dear Marlene good health and that you will not experience any more sorrow.
מהשמיים תנוחמו
With deep sympathy,
Zvi Peleg
Director General
Israel Sci-Tech Network
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